1 | Mr. Talat Parvez Rohella | Administrative Secretary, PD&MD, J&K | 0191/0194 | 2546087/2506145 | | jkpdmd2020@gmail.com |
Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Jammu/Srinagar |
1 | Satvir Kour Sudan | Director General | 0191/0194 | 2538907/2490092 | 9419183118 | jandk-des@jk.gov.in |
2 | Suneel Kumar Pandita | Director (Central) | _ | _ | 9419175645 | suneelpanditades@gmail.com |
3 | Riyaz Romshoo | Director (Evaluation) | _ | _ | 9906538641 | romshoo@gmail.com |
4 | Deepa Sharma | Joint Director (Survey) | _ | _ | 9796483130 | jdsurveysdes@gmail.com |
5 | Mudassir Yaqoob Zargar | Deputy Director | _ | _ | 9419253853 | m.y.zargar@jk.gov.in |
6 | Inam-ul- Haq | Deputy Director (State Income Unit) | _ | _ | 7051837970 | Inamulhaqq913@gmail.com |
7 | Rajesh Singh | Deputy Director (Official Statistics) | _ | _ | 9796208836 | Rajeshsin8778@jk.gov.in |
8 | Musadiq Hussain Khan | Deputy Director (Surveys) | _ | _ | 9149508020 | musadik13801@gmail.com |
9 | Ashita Baru | Assistant Director | _ | _ | 9419237130 | ashitabaru@gmail.com |
10 | Mohd Yousaf | Assistant Director (State Income Unit) | _ | _ | 9697500545 | yousufbhat2010@gmail.com |
1 | Athar Hussain Qadri | Regional Director Evaluation & Statistics,Kashmir | 0194 | 2490728 | 9419123039 | rjdkashmir@gmail.com |
2 | Ashu Gupta | Regional Director Evaluation & Statistics, Jammu | 0191 | 2532215 | 9419118258 | rjdesjammu@gmail.com |
1 | Deepa Sharma | Joint Director (Principal) Statistical Training Institute Jammu | 0191 | 2532028 | 9858672629 | ashdiyamyraeva@gmail.com |
2 | Mohd Yousuf Rather | Joint Director (Principal) Statistical Training Institute Kashmir | 0194 | 2490930 | 7006907350 | stiksgr@gmail.com |
S.No | District | Name of the Officers | STD Code | Telephone (office) | Mobile Number | E-Mail |
1 | Srinagar | Fayaz Ahmad Dar, Deputy Director | 0194 | 2477742 | 9906816800 | cposrinagar@gmail.com |
2 | Ganderbal | Shahnawaz Khan, Deputy Director | 0194 | 2416423 | 9682375771 | cpogbl786@gmail.com |
3 | Budgam | Irfan Ahmad Giri, Deputy Director | 01951 | 255291 | 9419163778 | budgamcpo@gmail.com |
4 | Anantnag | Tauseef Ahmad Malik, Deputy Director | 01932 | 223042 | 9622740599 | cpo.anantnag@gmail.com |
5 | Kulgam | Zahid Bhagat, Deputy Director | 01931 | 260187 | 7006884411 | cpokulgam@gmail.com |
6 | Pulwama | Nowshad Ahmed Rather, Joint Director | 01933 | 241262 | 7006570770 | jdpulwama@gmail.com |
7 | Shopian | Rafiq Ah. Dar, Deputy Director | 01933 | 260985 | 9596110238 | cposhopian@gmail.com |
8 | Baramulla | Javaid Ah. Najar, Deputy Director | 01952 | 234841 | 9858894111 | jdpbaramulla@gmail.com |
9 | Bandipoora | Mohd. Maqbool Lone, Deputy Director | 01957 | 226084 | 7006689036 | cpobandipore786@gmail.com |
10 | Kupwara | Parvaiz Ahmad Lone, Deputy Director | 01955 | 252328 | 9906675023 | cpokupwara@gmail.com |
11 | Jammu | Uttam Singh, Deputy Director | 0191 | 2579519 | 9419164335 | cpojammu@gmail.com |
12 | Samba | Kasturi Lal, Joint Director | 01923 | 241027 | 7006438388 | cposambadistrict@gmail.com |
13 | Udhampur | Mohammad Iqbal, Deputy Director | 01992 | 270396 | 9858241101 | cpoudhampur@gmail.com |
14 | Ramban | Shakeeb Ah. Rather, Deputy Director | 01998 | 266906 | 9622755186 | cporamban@gmail.com |
15 | Kathua | Ranjeet Kumar, Deputy Director | 01922 | 233258 | 9419140916 | cpokathua2011@gmail.com |
16 | Reasi | Narinder Kumar Joint Director | 01991 | 245588 | 9419167533 | reasicpo@gmail.com |
17 | Poonch | Mohammad Rafi, Deputy Director | 01965 | 220331 | 9086277707 | cpopoonch@gmail.com |
18 | Rajouri | Maqsood Ahmad , Deputy Director | 01962 | 262547 | 9419679226 | cporajouri@gmail.com |
19 | Doda | Munish Kumar Manhas, Deputy Director | 01996 | 233547 | 6005814847 | cpodod-jk@nic.in |
20 | Kishtwar | Shahnawaz Bali, Deputy Director | 01995 | 261466 | 9858241101 | kishtwarcpo@gmail.com |
S. No | District | Name of the Officers | STD Code | Telephone (office) | Mobile Number | E-Mail |
1 | Srinagar | Shah Ismail, Deputy Director | 0194 | 2485706 | 7006540291 | desomailbox@gmail.com |
2 | Ganderbal | Akhther Hussain Malik, Deputy Director | 0194 | 2416144 | 9858685958 | dseo-ganderbal@jk.gov.in |
3 | Budgam | Gul Mohammad, Deputy Director | 01951 | 255421 | 8717000222 | budgamdseo@gmail.com |
4 | Anantnag | Karishma Qudrat, Deputy Director | 01932 | 227339 | 7889573372 | dseoanantnag@gmail.com |
5 | Kulgam | Suhail Ahmed Malik, Deputy Director | 01931 | 260515 | 9858445364 | kulgamdseo@gmail.com |
6 | Pulwama | Karishma Kudrat, Deputy Director | 01933 | 241324 | 7889573372 | dseopulwama@gmail.com |
7 | Shopian | Bilkissa Zahoor, Deputy Director | 01933 | 260963 | 9622611909 | dseospn88@gmail.com |
8 | Baramulla | Javaid Ah. Najar, Deputy Director | 01952 | 234528 | 9858894111 | dseobla@gmail.com |
9 | Bandipora | Mohd. Maqbool Lone, Deputy Director | 01957 | 226170 | 7006689036 | dseo.bpr22@jk.gov.in |
10 | Kupwara | Bashir Ahmad Malik, Deputy Director | 01955 | 252328 | 7006233004 | dseokupwara@gmail.com |
11 | Jammu | Neeraj Sharma, Deputy Director | 0191 | 2565638 | 8082118258 | jammudseo@gmail.com |
12 | Samba | Rupinder Kaur, Deputy Director | 01923 | 217919 | 9419350576 | dseosamba@gmail.com |
13 | Udhampur | Darshan Kumar, Deputy Director | 01992 | 270986 | 9797443912 | dseoudh@gmail.com |
14 | Ramban | Ganesh Kumar, Deputy Director | 01998 | 266901 | 9906046635 | dseorbn123@gmail.com |
15 | Kathua | Sidharth Anand, Deputy Director | 01922 | 234817 | 9419165463 | dseok77@gmail.com |
16 | Reasi | Ashok Kumar, Deputy Director | 01991 | 245597 | 9906102015, 7006627915 | dseoreasi@gmail.com |
17 | Poonch | Javeed Ah. Rabani, Deputy Director | 01965 | 220315 | 8803228050 | dseopoonch786@gmail.com |
18 | Rajouri | Sandeep Kumar Sharma, Deputy Director | 01962 | 261284 | 7006461715 | dseorajouri@gmail.com |
19 | Doda | Ashfaq-ur- Rehman, Deputy Director | 01996 | 233531 | 7889987894 | dseododa@gmail.com |
20 | Kishtwar | Akhil Thakur, Deputy Directortd> | 01995 | 260778 | 9906116188 | dseoktw@gmail.com |