The main function of Directorate of Economics and Statistics is to compute State Income (GSDP) and per capita income of the State. Collection, compilation and Analysis of data emanating from various department, conducting of Sample Surveys, Evaluation Studies, Monitoring of Projects and Programmes and among the main functions of the Statistical/Planning Staff. The Statistical Personnel are also charged with preparation/co-ordination of the district and departmental plans as well. The Department is catering to the entire statistical and planning requirements of the state.
The Directorate of Economics & Statistics has several units and cells and each unit is charged with defined functions and duties. Name of various divisions of the department are as under:
It is the apex body in the official Statistical System of the State & mandated for the following responsibilities.
- The nodal agency for Development of the Statistical system in the State.
- Co-ordinates the Statistical work in respect of Govt, Semi Government departments & other institutes.
- Prepares State Income estimates & District Domestic estimates and related aggregates.
- Organises and Conducts Periodic surveys and Censuses.
- Conducts large scale sample surveys as a part of NSSO Surveys for creating data base needed for studying the impact of specific problems for the benefit of different population groups in diverse Socio-economic areas such as employment, consumer expenditure, housing conditions & environment, literacy levels, health, nutrition, family welfare etc.
- Disseminates Statistical information on various aspects through a no. of Publications. The publications are distributed among Government, semi Government and other users.
- Conducts in-depth evaluation and impact assessment of development programmes/projects/schemes selected by SLEC.